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Single courses taught in English

Note to prospective international applicants: Please be aware that proof of English proficiency requirements may apply to international applicants whose native language is not English. Also note that it is not possible to apply for individual courses. You must apply for one of the study programmes on offer and then select courses accordingly.

Incoming exchange students should select suitable courses (educational components), in accordance with the Learning Agreement in each case.

The below links provide predefined searches in the 2024-2025 Course Catalogue, for courses offered in English. The courses are grouped by School and Faculty (+ interdisciplinary studies), with course descriptions displayed in English. Not all faculties are represented.

PLEASE NOTE: Both undergraduate (G) and graduate (F) courses will be displayed. The letter G at the end of the course number indicates an undergraduate course, while the letter F stands for a graduate course (for postgraduate students only). M indicates a course open to both (advanced) undergraduate and graduate students.

When displaying the search results, please note that a red flag (Red flag - required preparation) indicates required preparation. A yellow flag (Yellow flag - recommended preparation) indicates recommended preparation, while a purple flag (Lilac flag - see comment on prerequisites) signifies a comment about prerequisites.

Education and Diversity
Subject Teacher Education

Engineering and Natural Sciences
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Earth Sciences
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science
Life and Environmental Sciences
Physical Sciences

Health Sciences
Food Science and Nutrition
Pharmaceutical Sciences

History and Philosophy
Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies
Languages and Cultures
Theology and Religious Studies

Social Sciences
Political Science
Sociology, Anthropology and Folkloristics

Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies
Applied Behavior Analysis, Master's
Applied Biotechnology, MS
Applied Statistics, MAS
Biostatistics, MS
Environment and Natural Resources, Master's
Epidemiology, MS
Finance, M.Fin.
Public Health Sciences, MPH (electives)
Speech Pathology, MS

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